Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Unmanned Surface Vehicle Control Station Analysis

Control Station Analysis
By Mark C. Hardy
UNSY 605-Unmanned Systems Sensing, Perception, and Processing
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

The Fleet-class Common Unmanned Surface Vessel (CUSV) was developed by AAI Corporation, a Textron subsidiary, in collaboration with the Maritime Applied Physics Corporation (MAPC). The CUSV is a surface-borne sea craft designed to conduct mine detection/neutralization, anti-submarine operations, intelligence collections, communications relay activities, and unmanned systems launch and recovery. The fourth generation CUSV is 39 feet long, has a top speed of 28 knots, and a cruising range of 1200 nautical miles (Naval-Technology, 2015). In October of 2014 the CUSV was selected by the U.S. Navy to serve as a component of its Unmanned Influence Sweep System (UISS) in conjunction with the Navy’s Freedom and Independence class of littoral combat ships (Textron Inc., 2014; Naval-Technology, 2015).

Command and control (C2) of the CUSV is conducted via the Universal Command and Control Station, which is essentially a maritime version of AAI’s Universal Ground Control Station (UGCS). AAI’s UGCS is utilized by the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps for C2 of unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The CUSV’s UCCS was designed in compliance with NATO Standardization Agreement 4586, the Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) protocol, and the littoral combat ship communications architecture (AAI Corporation, 2011). As such, the UGCS and UCCS are highly interoperable and can be reconfigured and reprogrammed for C2 compatibility with various unmanned systems. Moreover, the UGCS/UCCS is capable of simultaneous operation of multiple unmanned aircraft, surface vessels, and/or ground vehicles (AAI Corporation, 2010).  

The UCCS communicates with CUSV via the Harris SeaLancet RT-1944/U data link. The SeaLancet is a internet protocol based high bandwidth data link capable of transmitting information at up to 54 megabytes per second (Mbps). The SeaLancet has maximum range of 150 miles for line of sight (LOS) operations, but range can be extended beyond line of sight with the use of data link relays (Harris Corporation, 2015). The CUSV utilizes the data link to transfer real-time video, sensor data, navigation data, and other mission related information (AAI Corporation, 2011).

The UGCS framework, which the UCCS is based upon, incorporates intuitive web based interfaces combined with enhanced human machine interface software (AAI Corporation, 2010). The UCCS relies on traditional data presentation and user interface techniques to interact with the CUSV operator. The UCCS is equipped with basic keyboard, mouse, and joy stick interfaces to facilitate operator input. Visual information is presented via several display screens depending on the number of unmanned systems being operated. Visual display options include vehicle status information, geographical/navigational display, and sensor/mission oriented displays. Data points derived from sensor collections, such as the detection of a mine like object identified by the CUSV sonar, is transmitted to the UCCS where it can then be overlayed onto the UCCS geographic display for operator target situation awareness (Textron Inc., 2012; AAI Corporation, 2011).

Figure 1. Universal Command and Control Station. AAI Corporation. (2011). Performance, Persistence & Modularity. Retrieved from http://suat.aaicorp.com/sites/default/files/datasheets/AAI_CUSV_08-08-11_AAI.pdf

The CUSV has a demonstrated sliding autonomy capability, which allows it to conduct autonomous and man-in-the-loop operations. The UCCS is equipped with the Mine Warfare Environmental Decision Aid Library (MEDAL) software suite, which utilizes historical and in situ environmental data to assess mine threats, develop mine sweeping plans, and recommend tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) (National Research Council, 2000). MEDAL generated mine countermeasure mission plans can then be preloaded to the CUSV and executed autonomously or with varying levels of operator input (Textron Systems, 2012).

The UCCS was designed to meet military interoperability standards which require unmanned system control stations to be universally compatible with most other unmanned platforms, therefore requiring a fairly simplistic data presentation scheme. However, the UCCS could be improved with the implementation of multimodal user interfaces that transmit and receive information to and from the operator via multiple sensory channels. For instance, speech control technology could be implemented to assist with operator command and control of the CUSV. Haptic feedback, such as vibro-tactile cues, could be incorporated into the operator controls to assist with the launch and recovery of sensors and/or other unmanned systems. Vibro-tactile technology could also be used to enhance obstacle avoidance and manual navigation in the open sea, or during docking operations. Virtual Reality displays could be employed to provide enhanced spatial situation awareness and safety by expanding the operator’s field of view and delivering a 3 dimensional perspective.

In conclusion, the UCCS is a highly adaptable and capable unmanned GCS. However, current research indicates that implementation of multimodal presentation methodologies, such as those recommended, could lead to improved unmanned system operator performance (Maza, Caballero, Molina, Pena & Ollero, 2010). The addition of such technologies to the UCCS, could ultimately enhance UCCS and CUVS capabilities. 
AAI Corporation. (2011). Performance, Persistence & Modularity. Retrieved from http://suat.aaicorp.com/sites/default/files/datasheets/AAI_CUSV_08-08-11_AAI.pdf

AAI Corporation. (2010). When the Mission Changes-We Adapt. Retrieved from http://www.maxvision.com/Downloads/MesaMaxinuseAAIShadow.pdf

Harris Corporation. (2015). SeaLancet™ RT-1944/U—NetCentric IP Solution for DoD Platforms at the Tactical Edge. Retrieved from http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ZmpqmIEB4hsJ:govcomm.harris.com/solutions/products/defense/sealancet.asp+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Maza, I., Caballero, F., Molina, R., Pe˜na, N. & Ollero, A. (2010). Multimodal Interface Technologies for UAV Ground Control Stations. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 57(1-4), 371-391.

National Research Council (2000, March 6). Oceanography and Mine Warfare. Retrieved from http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=9773&page=32

Naval-Technology. (2015). Fleet-Class Common Unmanned Surface Vessel (CUSV), United States of America. Retrieved from http://www.naval-technology.com/projects/fleet-class-common-unmanned-surface-vessel-cusv/

Textron Inc. (2012). Common Unmanned Surface Vessel Ushers in New Era of Naval Mine Countermeasure Operations. Retrieved from http://investor.textron.com/newsroom/news-releases/press-release-details/2012/Common-Unmanned-Surface-Vessel-Ushers-in-New-Era-of-Naval-Mine-Countermeasure-Operations/default.aspx

Textron Inc. (2014, October 22). Textron Systems Awarded $33.8 Million for the U.S. Navy’s Unmanned Influence Sweep System. Retrieved from http://investor.textron.com/newsroom/news-releases/press-release-details/2014/Textron-Systems-Awarded-338-Million-for-the-US-Navys-Unmanned-Influence-Sweep-System/default.aspx

Textron Systems (2012, September 21). CUSV: Trident Warrior Experiment 2012 [Internet Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT1xjn183n4

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